Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The destiny

This world a lot of things don't need to explain what also do not need to apologize, fate this thing is who can way clear. Life, just like the majority passer-by song sung "the world is more crowded," is always found rush all the people are like traveler usually play, after these horses who really remember who? The past is already, recalls when they are provoking release, what was his own end is ourselves, not their is no longer compelled, saying the wish, wish you happiness, from now on you way won't have my footprint.mbt fanaka gtx sand men's shoes 
Empty rooms only himself, always want to tell but couldn't find one, whether the network or reality gambits, eventually is found many people haven't contact, just lost their hurry, just became already will those people bring out of my world. Suddenly feel a lot of things was no sense, is really forgot or no longer care about, why can heart will not give up, will feel very painful and inexplicable sad?
Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow, when the lights went out in the shadow behind when still accompany. But we often only see the bright lights, and ignore the has been quietly stood in the shadow, when that behind the bright lights of the lights, discovered we keep standing behind a shadow he never forsaken. He won't let you one immersed in pain, he so understand you, from one of your actions can one know what you are thinking.
A man can not love, but not without friendship. A true friend already ready in two is when you are happy, happy with you, when you are sad to accompany your tears, in your lonely give you comfort. So actually, no need to have enough for more.mbt voi dark red women's shoes 
Some people, some things, wandering in the mind, can only weak looking, heart a voice kept repeat, we have already could not return to original appearance. Once can use language say now became silent silence, perhaps this is the final results.
People come and go eventually is passing through, love but is flying of fireworks, in full bloom that flash is very beautiful, very bright, can be in bloom had left the ground after the crumpled ash and memory.

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